Association Websites
Manage your association, club, business directory or membership group on-line.
I specialise in designing …
membership management websites.

Do you need a membership management system that is fully integrated with your website?
I can build you a website with the membership management functions and features detailed on this page.
Organisation Website
Have an online presence with the option of members-only areas and content
Member Billing
Track your finances. Handle all payments online or integrate offline payments with your management system
Sep up and advertise events in multiple lists or calendars. Take bookings and payments online
Forms, donations, Shopping Cart
Set up forms so that your members and the public may contact you, donate, and make payments for your products and services
Renewal Reminders
Set up automatic renewal reminders and invoices. Multiple reminders can be sent before and after members are past due
Members Directory
Have a public or private directory of your members. Search using a map and/or list, using keywords, categories, geographical proximity
Member Management
Manage your membership online with specialist third-party CRM software that is fully integrated with your website
Monitor Membership
Track membership types, numbers, renewals, changes in membership type and those who are past due
Emailing Members
Send emails to individual members, groups of members or all your members at the same time
Multiple Membership Types
Have as many membership types and joining options as you want. Charge for additional extras at any point
Start date
Have a fixed membership start date for all members or have individual membership starting at any point in the year
Expands with your Organisation
Have a fixed membership start date for all members or have individual membership starting at any point in the year